After July 1st, 2022, Proctorio will no longer be available. It will be replaced by Respondus Monitor starting Fall 2022. If you are needing to use Proctorio for the Summer 2022 term, all quizzes will need to be enabled by June 31st to be functional past July 1st and all students will need to enable their browsers/install the plug-in through the practice test before then. Please contact us for assistance or any questions you may have.

Note: As of Fall 2021, Proctorio will be available for online courses (500 sections) and broadcast courses only.
Initial Setup:
1) Enabling Your Browser (All Users)
After your course has been enabled, users will need to enable their browsers on their computers to access the Proctorio tools, this includes students and instructors.
Setting Up Proctorio (Links to an external site.)
- Install Google Chrome
- Install the Proctorio Extension
Note: The students will access a Practice quiz installed in your Canvas course with that information.
This quiz will be unpublished until ready to use. Since Proctorio is a user-based proctoring tool, each user of Proctorio will have to review the guides to ensure they have Chrome and that the plug-in is installed. Be alert for browser notices and blocks. See Proctorio tutorial:
How do I enable 3rd Party Cookies? if needed.
2) Enabling Your Quiz (Instructors)
When the browser plug-in has been installed, a prompt to integrate Proctorio for Canvas quizzes will now be available in your Canvas quiz settings.
NOow, create a new exam, or edit an existing test. Within the exam editing page, you will find a small checkbox to enable Proctorio. Click on the checkbox and Proctorio will be on the exam. Once enabled you will have access to the Proctorio settings to finish setting up your exam.
As you can see, adding Proctorio to an exam is simple.
With Proctorio, there are no changes to the course content required. Proctorio is compatible with all exam settings and can be enabled on new or existing exams.
If you need assistance creating a quiz in Canvas, please visit this helpful article
Note: Please make sure you are in a Chrome browser when you make or edit your Proctorio enabled quiz.
After Selecting "Enable Proctorio Secure Exam Proctor, you will have access to proctor settings to set up for the quiz, depending on your needs. (Note: your Canvas quiz will have a new tag attached to the title. Do not alter the name of the quiz).
3) Selecting Proctorio Settings (Instructors)

After you've enabled your browser and installed the plugin, you will now have access to the Proctorio settings within your quiz settings. A third tab option of settings will appear in your Canvas quiz. (Note: Sometimes it takes a few seconds to appear).
You will have different areas of proctoring options grouped by type. When you click on the boxes, you enable that feature within that group.
For more information, see Exam Settings. See also: Behavior Settings
Note: Once a quiz is enabled for Proctorio, DO NOT EDIT the title of the quiz, as that will break the Proctorio function (hence the new tag at the end).
4) Prepare Your Students (Instructors)
You'll want to make sure students access the practice quiz and get through the initial steps so that there will be fewer chances of any issues arising during the primary exam.
Additional Tips
- To get to Proctorio exam settings, go to the quiz and click edit. In edit mode, you'll see a third tab (may have to wait a few seconds for it to appear) after Details, Questions, Proctorio Settings. Click on that and there should be groups of the types of functions you can select. Each group should have a video tutorial link that will explain what they do.
- Once you select your settings, we recommend saving it as a Profile, which when saved will appear at the top. of the Proctorio Settings. This is handy since you will need to do this in both the mid-term and the final, and you can just apply the same settings to the other using that profile.
- For additional tips on best practices, download and view the following Working with Proctorio Tip List.docx.
If an individual ever needs technical or troubleshooting help, the best method is to Live Chat with a Proctorio representative accessed through the browser by 1) clicking on the Proctorio shield icon, and 2) Selecting "Live Chat."
See the additional support information below.
Proctorio Support
For Proctorio FAQ's, see the following guides:
Proctorio software is easy to use, but if there is an issue, Proctorio staff is happy to help. Technical support is available 24/7/365 via chat, email, phone, and SMS. Additionally, faculty and student guides are available online.
For more information, contact:
- SLCC Online & eLearning Services Support: 1-844-334-0397 (toll free) or 1-801-957-5125 Option 1; or email a support request to:
- Testing Services: Please call 801-957-4500 or email us ( with any questions.
REV 08/20/2021 KLH