Please be aware of the Canvas quiz options to help adjust quiz options for students who may need them.

To grant students extra quiz attempts, grant extra time for timed quizzes, and manually unlock quiz attempts, use the Moderate This Quiz tool in Canvas.

To manually unlock a quiz for a student, begin in your course's Quiz tab:

  1. On the far ride side of the screen, click "Moderate this quiz."
  2. Click the Edit icon (pencil) located to the right of the student's name.
  3. Check the box "Manually unlock this quiz for next attempt."
  4. In the extra attempt box, enter a "1" (note that this is the number of additional attempts, not the total number of attempts). 
  5. Click Save. You should now see a little unlock icon and a 1 in a number of attempts left.

To give a student extra time, click on "Moderate this quiz" button located at the far right of the quiz:

  1. Click the Edit icon (pencil) to the right of the student’s name.
  2. Enter the extra minutes the student is allowed to have when taking the quiz.
  3. Click Save.

You can moderate more than one student at a time:

  1. Check the box to the left of each student's name.
  2. At the bottom, click “Change Extensions for Selected Students.”

If you have questions about Canvas please contact the Canvas Hotline below:
24/7/365 Canvas Support:
If you have course questions or need assistance improving your content, please use one of the options to schedule an in-person consultation: 
F2F Canvas Course Faculty Support

REV EZ 06/25/2021