At SLCC instructors can open their courses in a read-only mode up to one week before their official start date. For example, if your course start date is August 20th, you now have the ability to publish your course starting August 13th and students will be able to start reading content.

What is read-only?

Read-only means that students will only be able to view content, not to participate or interact. In this state your students will only be able to view published pages, modules, orientation materials, and more easily find their syllabus. They will not be able to submit assignments, respond to discussion prompts, interact with peers, or take quizzes. This is a great way to help your students get oriented more quickly to your course content, as well as get a start studying content if they choose.

To open your read-only course to students you only need to do three things:

  1. Import or create content
  2. Publish content you would like to have available
  3. Make sure that "Restrict students from viewing course before course start date" is

Import or create content

You have to have content in your course for students to see, and so if you’d like your course to be available in read-only mode one week before the official start date then you will have to import that content before then.

How do I copy Canvas content to another course?

Publish content you would like to have available

The next step is to make sure that content is published. Every page or module that you would like your students to see will need to be published before they will be able to see it. Don’t forget to publish your course as well.

Uncheck "Restrict students from viewing course before course start date"

You can find this setting directly underneath your course start and end dates. For students to view this content it needs to be unchecked.

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Need Help?

If you have any questions or need some help with these steps, reach out to