blueprint course is a course that houses content you want to share to any number of associated courses. These types of courses are very useful if you are teaching multiple sections with the same content and would like to create pages or announcements and have them all be updated with just a couple of clicks. These types of courses must be set up by eLearning every semester, but once they are set up they are very easy to manage.

If you already know what to do, you can proceed to the Blueprint Request Form. If you'd like to disassociate your blueprint course, then proceed to the Disassociate Blueprint Form.

Important Note: Blueprints are functionally the same as importing, so if you have already imported content in your course then using a Blueprint will create duplicate pages, assignments, modules, and files.

Editing pages, assignments, quizzes, or any content in a section connected to a Blueprint course will sever the connection between the Blueprint course and that page/assignment/quiz/etc., which means it will no longer sync. That only applies to content that has been edited, not to the entire section.

How do I get a Blueprint Course set up?

The first step to setting up a Blueprint Course is to fill out the Blueprint Request Form.

This form will ask you a few important questions that will help us create and associate your Blueprint Course as efficiently as possible. We'll need to know the name of your Blueprint Course, whether or not you need us to create a new one, and the live sections you would like us to associate your Blueprint Course with.

Note: A Blueprint Course must remain separate from the sections you are teaching during the semester. We can not configure the blueprint in any courses that have student enrollments.

Once my Blueprint Course is set up, how do I sync content?

Syncing content in a Blueprint Course is simple. When you are ready all you need to do is click on the icon with the blue boxes in the top right corner of your screen.

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After opening up this sidebar, you will be able to press Sync.

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Note: If you do not see the Sync button, it means that there is no new content for you to copy.

Advanced Options

Blueprint Courses have the option to be set up with certain objects, such as content or dates, locked. When these objects are locked it means that they cannot be changed from the live child sections.

Note: In nearly all situations we do not recommend locking anything. However, below is an explanation of the objects that can be locked.

General Locked Objects

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By default, the course is defined for General Locked Objects, meaning that any objects locked in the blueprint course are subject to general attributes that cannot be edited in associated courses. 

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As part of the general settings, select the attributes for the locked objects in this course. General locked objects support four attributes across any course object: content, points, availability dates, and due dates.

The option to lock content is selected by default, though it can be deselected as a lock option.

Locked objects cannot be edited in associated courses. For instance, when Content is selected as a locked object attribute, instructors in associated courses are not able to edit any content for any locked objects. Content also includes the title of the content item.

Locked Objects by Type

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To define locked objects by type, select the Locked Objects by Type option. This setting means that any objects locked in the course are subject to specific settings set by type that cannot be edited in associated courses.

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Blueprint courses support and sync five object types: assignments, discussions, pages, files, and quizzes. To select an attribute for an object type, expand the attribute type menu [1] and select individual attributes that apply to each locked object [2]. When an attribute is selected, the attribute name displays next to the object type.

Blueprint Basics Recording

Support Information

For more information see the following guides:

For additional questions, contact eLearning at: