Sharing your syllabus in Simple Syllabus is easy and can be done in multiple ways throughout the platform. This help document will show you how to share the URL for your syllabus, change your privacy settings to allow anybody to view your syllabus, and print or download a PDF. There are also options to view syllabuses through the Syllabus Library, which we will also cover in this help document.

We will go into more detail below, but in short you have the option to share your syllabus every time you complete one (by clicking Submit), and every time you see either a "Share" button or a "Print" button. Copying the PDF URL and sharing it is the easiest way to let people view your syllabus.

Note: Instructors who teach sections automatically will have an account set up in Simple Syllabus, which will be associated with the sections they teach. If you are not an instructor and still need access, reach out to and we will set you up with an account.

Table of Contents

  1. Copy and Share Syllabus URL
  2. Print or Download PDF
  3. Privacy Settings
  4. Syllabus Library
  5. How do I get help?

Copy and Share Syllabus URL

The easiest way to share your syllabus is by copying the PDF URL and sending it to the person you want to share with. This option is only available for syllabuses that you have submitted, so you'll want to make sure that you've built the entire syllabus and clicked submit.

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You know you've clicked submit when you see confetti appear on your screen, and then a popup appears which lets you copy either the web URL or the PDF URL.

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All you need to do is click "Copy" and you can now paste that URL and send it to anybody you would like.

Note: The PDF URL is available to anybody regardless of privacy settings. However, only people who have access to your syllabus will be able to view the web URL. You can set this access level when you edit your syllabus, and that is covered below in the Privacy Settings section. Setting your privacy to general public will allow anybody with either URL to view.

You can also find the same popup by going to your home section in Simple Syllabus and clicking Share in your Completed list.

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Print or Download PDF

You can copy the URL for the PDF version in the screen that pops up after you submit your syllabus. That URL opens an Adobe Acrobat PDF page where you can download the PDF or print it.

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You can also link directly to your PDF page by clicking Print in your completed to do list.

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Click the download button to save the PDF to your device, or click the print button to create a physical copy with your printer.

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You can then distribute the digital PDF or the physical paper copies however you need.

Privacy Settings

You have three privacy settings that you can choose from when you build a syllabus. This setting can be found in the top right corner of the syllabus while you are editing it, and it gives you detailed information on what those settings mean.

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  • General Public: Allow everyone to view this syllabus.
  • Campus Community: Only allow users to view this syllabus if they are logged in.
  • My Students: Only allow users to view this syllabus if they are enrolled in this section or if they can edit or approve this syllabus.
When you are sharing your URL, General Public is the least restrictive and allows anybody with the URL to view. When you choose Campus Community, the person you are sharing the URL with will need to log into Simple Syllabus. The following guide walks you through how to log into Simple Syllabus:

If you set the privacy to My Students, then you will not be able to share the URL. However, as noted before, the PDF URL will be available to anybody who has the URL under any privacy setting.

Sharing a Syllabus Overview Video

Syllabus Library

The Syllabus Library allows you to navigate every syllabus at SLCC that is set at the General Public or Campus Community privacy level. A syllabus set to My Students will not appear in the library. To get there, click Syllabus Library in the left-hand navigational menu.

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From there you can search for specific syllabuses, filter for different terms, as well as navigate by school and department/program. There is also a list of all viewable syllabuses below these navigational tools.

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You can View, Print, or Share these syllabuses by clicking the respective buttons once you find the syllabus you are looking for. This is helpful if you are gathering syllabuses for another person's peer evaluation or tenure review, or if you just want to explore what kinds of syllabuses are out there.

How do I get help?

Additional help can be found by visiting the following guides:

For other technical support and questions, contact