Getting Started with Canvas LMS
Canvas LMS (learning management system) is a
secure web-based host for all course materials
for student access. Students access Canvas for
the syllabus, grades, instructor contact info,
inbox email, assignment details, due dates,
auto-graded quizzes, online discussions,
assignment feedback, and to submit assignments
Technical Skills
The following links will help you use Canvas,
but you should already have some basic
computer and word processing skills. For
example, you should understand:
- Basic file formats (such as pdf,
doc, docx, jpeg, etc.) and the
applications that create them.
- How to create and save files
- How to copy and paste content
Accessing Canvas:
To begin accessing Canvas, you must
have MySLCC login credentials. If you
are a new student or newly-hired
instructor, please make sure you have
been set up with that information to
access Canvas and MySLCC.
(Note: Canvas does not use your
"S"-Number from Banner, but is tied to
your Bruin username and email
To login into Canvas, see the related
article "How do I log into Canvas?" (also listed under
"Related Articles), or
download Accessing Canvas.docx on how to access
The Getting Started
Online Guide was developed to
help you be successful online.
It is primarily directed at those who
are new to learning online but is
helpful for even the experienced
online learner. It includes a
readiness self-assessment, as well as
a number of success tips and support
resources to guide you in your own
In addition, you can refer to
the Canvas Student
Guide (also available
through the Help menu option in
Canvas) as well as our own SLCC
Canvas Help Docs (..like what
you're looking at right now). Your
instructor may guide you in specific
tasks associated with your online
When a new faculty member or adjunct
joins SLCC there is a lot to remember!
This guide will help direct you
find answers and become familiar with
Canvas. Please note that your
Department Associate Dean is your
primary contact and the final
authority on your job duties and
department-specific information. When
in doubt, please direct all questions
to your A.D. or department supervisor.
You may also be assigned a department
How Does Canvas Work?
- Canvas course sites/shells have
student registrations fed in automatically
from high-security Banner
- Apart from student names, Canvas course
locations are blank until materials are
added by the instructor.
- Course content can be migrated/borrowed
from another faculty member's courses with
approval, or made from
- In some cases, departments appoint a
course coordinator to manage content for
multiple sections of large enrollment
courses. Otherwise, it is up to
instructors to add content and ensure
correct due dates, etc.
- Contact your Associate Dean and appointed
department mentor to locate the
optimal source course name for
the Canvas portion of your class
materials. It should match your
textbook/eText and include all required
materials and assignments to fulfill the
required objectives and articulation
- You have the opportunity to learn all of
the features of Canvas through employee
training workshops. As a newly hired
adjunct/faculty, help is available for all
Overview of Instructor Canvas Usage
- Your department likely requires you to use
Canvas for your courses, minimally or
fully. Lecture/classroom courses may elect
to use Canvas minimally, posting syllabus
and assignments/grades. Online courses are
fully prepared and housed in Canvas prior
to active use, with user testing and QM
- Your full-time faculty mentor will provide
you with a copy of their Canvas site and
then you can personalize the
- Content can be copied from a previous
Canvas course, yours or a full-time
faculty mentor's. Once the content is
copied forward, you can personalize the
site with your new syllabus instructor
bio, pictures, name and contact
- Canvas will house additional content such
as videos, articles, example papers, and
useful presentations. Do not remove or
modify the
curriculum/assignments/tests/quizzes that
are in place for that course without A.D.
approval, as this may alter the objectives
or transferability of the
- Canvas Inbox is a FERPA compliant
sub-email within Canvas that allows easy
class announcements, class
emails, and communication which also
forwards to instructor/student emails on
record, which is usually Bruinmail unless
another email is registered through the
Canvas account area.
- You can refer to the Student information
above to help your students get started in
online courses.
Getting Started
To help you get
started, refer to the following
- Faculty
Orientation Canvas Guides
- Brief Introduction to
- SLCC Canvas Quick
Start Guide
- SLCC Canvas Help Docs (..like what
you're looking at right now)
Please refer to
the Related Articles (located at the top
right) to learn additional important
information about using Canvas at
In addition,
Instructure has also created several
guides to help you with many of the
questions you may have. These guides are
essentially the user manuals for both
instructors and students. We’ve referred
to many of these guides and tutorials
throughout this help document.
- To view Canvas’ video guides, go
to Canvas video guides
- To view Canvas’ instructor tutorials, go
to the Canvas Instructor
- You can also refer your students to
the Canvas Student
These guides are always available
through the Help menu option in
Contact Instructure or eLearning
If you have questions about
Canvas please contact the Canvas
Hotline below:
24/7/365 Canvas
- Hotline (Students): 801-957-5125, Option
- Hotline (Faculty): 801-957-5125, Option
- Email: support@instructure.com
Note: All Faculty and Students have
Canvas support 24/7 through the Canvas Support
There is good information on the eLearning
website and the eLearning staff are more than
willing to make appointments for one-on-one
consultation; help by phone, or by email, or
to answer quick questions if you drop in at
Canvas Administrators/Technologists office in
Calvin Rampton Technology Building TB-207.
This support group also teaches F2F
department training and facilitate online,
self-paced Canvas credentialed courses.
If you have course questions or need
assistance improving your content, please
use one of the options to schedule an
in-person consultation:
SLCC Online & eLearning
- F2F Canvas Course Faculty Support
- 801-957-5125, Option 3
- Email: elearningsupport@slcc.edu (Faculty)
- Redwood Campus, TB-207 (second
- Website: eLearning
Faculty Resources
- Faculty
Orientation Canvas
- SLCC Online Student Support
- Email: slcconline@slcc.edu (Students)
- Redwood Campus, TB-115 (Main level,
South Entrance)
- Website: SLCC
Online Resources and
Important: Our services
are limited to school/business
hours usually between 7:30 AM
and 5:00 PM Monday through
Friday; however, you can
always contact the 24-hour
Hotline through Instructure
(from the previous page) and
they may be able to help you
out with the majority of
emergency or urgent issues if
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