Instructional Best Practices
Are there best practices for recording videos in Canvas?
eLearning Spring Showcase 2025
eLearning's Spring Showcase 2021 - Session Recordings
eLearning's Spring Showcase 2022 - Session Recordings
eLearning's Spring Showcase 2023 - Session Recordings
eLearning's Spring Showcase 2024 - Session Recordings
How do I check assignments for plagiarism in Canvas? (Copyleaks)
How do I create community in my online class?
How do I create Groups in Canvas?
How do I engage my online students?
How do I facilitate effective online groups?
How do I improve my online discussions?
How do I make a Homepage in my Canvas Course?
How do I update and manage my Canvas Gradebook?
How do I use the Copyleaks Instructor Plagiarism + AI Scan Tool
How do I write and use an effective rubric?
How do I write better learning objectives?
How often should I interact with my online students?
SLCC’s Guide to Writing Course Learning Outcomes
Teach Anywhere: Best Practices for Teaching Livestream Courses
What are Collaborations for Canvas group assignments?
What are some best practices for teaching online?
What are the benefits of weighting Assignment groups in Canvas?
What is backward design?
What is netiquette and why is it important in online courses?
What is Quality Matters?
What is Respondus LDB (LockDown Browser) and how do I use it?
What is Respondus Monitor (Proctoring) and how do I use it?
Where can I get help developing an online course?
Where do I find the institutional syllabus?
Why include Weekly Overview Pages in my Modules?