All Articles
New DesignPLUS Sidebar
Adding a YouTube video through Kaltura for captioning
Are there best practices for recording videos in Canvas?
Breakout Rooms in Zoom
Class for Zoom Best Practices and Troubleshooting
eLearning's Spring Showcase 2021 - Session Recordings
eLearning's Spring Showcase 2022 - Session Recordings
eLearning's Spring Showcase 2023 - Session Recordings
eLearning's Spring Showcase 2024 - Session Recordings
Embed Kaltura Video with New Rich Content Editor
Embedding Microsoft Files in Canvas using OneDrive
Embedding Microsoft Files in Canvas using Sharepoint
Enabling in Course Navigation(For Faculty)
Extra Credit in Canvas
FAQ's about SLCC's Canvas User Credential
FAQ's about SLCC's DesignPLUS User Credential
FAQ's about SLCC's Livestream Teacher Credential
FAQ's about SLCC's Online Teacher Credential
Follett Discover
How can you utilize Online Tutoring (
How do I access a historical Canvas Syllabus?
How do I Access and Use ThingLink?
How do I access Class for Zoom as a student?
How do I access my WebEx session I've created?
How do I access MyOpenMath?
How do I add a Library reading list to my Canvas course?
How do I add a quiz in Canvas?
How do I add an instructional tool or courseware to Canvas?
How do I add Assessing Learning Outcomes to a rubric?
How do I add captions to my videos in Canvas?
How do I add users to a Canvas site?
How do I change my name in Canvas?
How do I check assignments for plagiarism in Canvas? (Copyleaks)
How do I communicate with my students in Canvas?
How do I copy Canvas content to another course?
How do I create a modular exam?
How do I create a seating chart in Canvas?
How do I create a Video Quiz in Kaltura?
How do I create and use WebEx conferences in Canvas?
How do I create community in my online class?
How do I create Groups in Canvas?
How do I embed media from Kaltura (My Media/Media Gallery) in a Canvas page?
How do I engage my online students?
How do I export my Canvas Gradebook?
How do I facilitate effective online groups?
How do I finalize and submit grades from Canvas?
How do I find open educational resources (OER) videos for my Canvas course?
How Do I Get Classroom Technical Assistance?
How do I get help creating videos and other media for my class?
How Do I Get Online Technical Assistance?
How do I get started using Canvas?
How do I give access to Canvas for a student with an incomplete?
How do I hide deactivated students in my Canvas course?
How do I import General Education resources into my course
How do I improve my online discussions?
How do I install and use LockDown Browser as a student?
How do I integrate MyOpenMath with Canvas?
How do I integrate Pearson MyLab & Mastering products in Canvas?
How do I know when my classes begin? (Students)
How do I leave feedback on assignments for students?
How do I log into Canvas?
How do I make a Homepage in my Canvas Course?
How do I make my Canvas course accessible?
How do I moderate a Canvas quiz for students?
How do I open my course in a read-only state before the semester starts?
How do I post a Syllabus in Canvas?
How do I record and share a WebEx conference in Canvas?
How do I register for Canvas training?
How do I remove a dropped course in Canvas? (Student)
How do I remove a student/user from a Canvas course?
How do I request a Canvas development (DEV) site?
How do I see my grades in Canvas? (Student)
How do I set up Class for Zoom to work in Canvas?
How do I set up my Canvas Gradebook?
How do I share my Simple Syllabus?
How do I take attendance in Canvas?
How do I Update a Linked Syllabus File in Canvas?
How do I update and manage my Canvas Gradebook?
How do I upload media to MyMedia (Kaltura) in a Canvas course?
How do I use Atomic Polls?
How do I use MySuccess (formerly Starfish) to replace the Faculty Journal Tool in Canvas?
How do I use Simple Syllabus as a Student?
How do I use the Copyleaks Instructor Plagiarism + AI Scan Tool
How do I write and use an effective rubric?
How do I write better learning objectives?
How often should I interact with my online students?
How to Create Zoom Meetings in Canvas
How to disable third-party cookies
How to Embed a Youtube Video with Rich Text Editor
How to Update a Link in Design Tools
How to use the reporting feature in Simple Syllabus
Instructor Edtech Tools
Is There Canvas Training Available?
Kaltura FAQ
Kaltura Troubleshooting
Learn Anywhere
Lumen OHM Concurrent Enrollment Tips
New Semester Canvas Course Prep Checklist
Online Course Development Introduction
Online Tutoring ( Access 24/7 within Canvas
Simple Syllabus Basics
SLCC's Training Registration System - Helps for Adjunct Faculty
SLCC’s Guide to Writing Course Learning Outcomes
Student Access to Canvas SLCC
Taking exams in Canvas with Respondus Monitor as a student
Teach Anywhere: Best Practices for Teaching Livestream Courses
Teach Anywhere: Teaching Remotely at SLCC
Testing Services Information for Faculty - Fall 2023
Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities from eLearning
Video Response to a Quiz or Discussion: How-To
Webcam Recording - quick start guide.
What are Collaborations for Canvas group assignments?
What are Open Educational Resources (OER)?
What are some best practices for teaching online?
What are the benefits of weighting Assignment groups in Canvas?
What are the new features in Canvas Gradebook?
What classes are offered online at SLCC?
What if I'm having issues logging into Canvas?
What is a Blueprint course and how does it work?
What is backward design?
What is Canvas and why should I use it?
What is DesignPLUS?
What is MySuccess (Formerly Starfish) and how do I enable it in my course?
What is netiquette and why is it important in online courses?
What is Panorama and how do I use it in Canvas?
What is Quality Matters?
What is Respondus LDB (LockDown Browser) and how do I use it?
What is Respondus Monitor (Proctoring) and how do I use it?
What is Simple Syllabus and How Do I Use It?
What is the process for giving increased Canvas access to a student worker?
What is the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA)?
When and how do I use Modules in Canvas?
When are Canvas courses available?
Where can I get help developing an online course?
Where can I get help with Lumen OHM?
Where can I get personal help with Canvas?
Where do I find the institutional syllabus?
Who can help me caption the videos in my course?
Why can't I see my course(s) in Canvas?
Why include Weekly Overview Pages in my Modules?
Zoom and Class for Zoom Email Errors
Zoom Troubleshooting Suggestions From Help Desk